Thursday 8 January 2015

My Current Top 5 Apps

There are thousands of apps out there and sometimes, with there being so many, it can be difficult to find the really good ones. So here are  a few of my favourites; there are some for entertainment and some for productivity and hopefully some you will find fun too.

RGB Express - this game seems very simple on the surface but soon becomes very tricky and addictive. It's all about mapping a truck from its start point to pick up its delivery and take it to the final destination. May not sound fun but it's super cute and has lots of levels to keep you going.

Shazam - You've probably heard of this but may not have given it a go. If like me, you always hear songs on the radio and either fail to listen out for the name or completely forget it 5 minutes later, this app is for you. It recognises songs and add them to a list so you can get to them any time you need.

WeHeartIt - I love this app; it's a fun way to kill time or get a little inspiration. Lots of gorgeous pictures can be saved to your account for an online mood board.

Wunderlist - Great app for To-Do-Lists; you can organise them, prioritise them and set reminders so you never forget anything again.

Giant Boulder Of Death - Probably my favourite game ever. Basically you're a giant boulder rolling down a hill and you have to destroy as much as possible with out being broken up by spikes. There is a hilarious Yodelling-type soundtrack and really cute bonuses; Plus a great virtual way to take out your anger without any mess.

What are your favourite apps at the moment?

Love, Sorcha


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